维吉尼亚州 Tech Corps of Cadets

现在 ... 更甚于以往.
We trace our history to the founding of 维吉尼亚州 Tech in 1872, 但网上赌博网站十大排行的经验是现代的, 敏捷, and unlike anything else offered on campus. 网上赌博网站十大排行是四年制大学, full-time leader development program focused on building teamwork, 字符, and problem-solving skills that make a difference in today's world.

In the Military-Leader Track, you will train to commission as a military officer after graduation. You will be eligible to earn national ROTC 奖学金. In the Citizen-Leader跟踪, there is no military obligation. You will apply the leadership skills you’ve learned directly to your first job.
A cadet sits in the cockpit of a plane.

Are you looking for a challenge for your college experience? Are you interested in leadership development and lifelong camaraderie?

Active and engaged alumni are an integral part of the Corps' success, whether they return to speak to cadets about their leadership experiences, volunteer for or attend Corps events, 担任班级冠军, or, 最重要的是, 成为学员的导师.
Boston College game Hokie Hero: U.S. 另一侧. William Chung ’15 is deployed to Afghani-stan.

All cadets (including incoming new cadets) with a current FAFSA on file can receive a $1,000 Emerging Leader Scholarship. Upperclass cadets must be in good standing and have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above to be awarded this scholarship. The Corps can also provide additional assistance with unmet need after financial aid has been awarded. Rising juniors and seniors in good standing with a current FAFSA and cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above will receive an additional Horizon Fund scholarship of $3,500. Instead of an Emerging Leader Scholarship, some cadets in good standing may qualify for commandant 奖学金, which are awarded on a merit or need basis for up to $5,000. For unexpected and emergent needs, the Commandant’s Scholarship Response Fund is available to aid cadets. 也, cadets taking winter or summer semester classes can also apply for 奖学金, 价值高达3美元,000.